Seisintel is pleased to announce the release of our database connector. Easily ingest Seisintel data for advanced analytics in Business Intelligence tools such as Tibco Spotfire, Tableau, IBM Watson, Microsoft Power BI, Esri’s ArcGIS products and more!

If you want to know more about Seisintel and get it on your work station, drop us a line at and we can organise a live demo!

You can also download Searcher Seismic App to see the seismic vessels location in real time and recieve updates via the Seisintel Newsfeed!

Company Summary:
Seisintel captures 2D & 3D seismic projects being acquired and allows survey navigation to stream directly from vessels to your desktop, in real-time! Seisintel also has the capability to be incorporated into any existing GIS system.

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